#include #include //#include //for TESTING int sizeField; int cubedSize; int attackRange; int allowedFights; int row; int column; int startColumn; int endColumn; int startRow; int endRow; int startDiag[2]; int endDiag[2]; int c; int r; int number[10]; int limiter; void swap(int& a, int& b) { int temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } int pivot(int a[], int first, int last, int *scoreMatrix) { int p = first; int pivotElement = scoreMatrix[a[first]]; for (int i = first + 1; i <= last; i++) { if (scoreMatrix[a[i]] > pivotElement) { p++; swap(a[i], a[p]); } } swap(a[p], a[first]); return p; } void quickSort(int a[], int first, int last, int *scoreMatrix) { int pivotElement; if (first < last) { pivotElement = pivot(a, first, last, scoreMatrix); quickSort(a, first, pivotElement - 1, scoreMatrix); quickSort(a, pivotElement + 1, last, scoreMatrix); } } void fillOverlay(int* overlayMatrix, int row, int column) { //Add the row startColumn = column - attackRange; if (startColumn < 0) startColumn = 0; endColumn = column + attackRange; if (endColumn >= sizeField) endColumn = sizeField - 1; for (c = startColumn; c <= endColumn; c++) overlayMatrix[sizeField*row + c]++; //Add the column startRow = row - attackRange; if (startRow < 0) startRow = 0; endRow = row + attackRange; if (endRow >= sizeField) endRow = sizeField - 1; for (r = startRow; r <= endRow; r++) overlayMatrix[sizeField*r + column]++; //Add the top left to bottom right diagonal //First the beginning of the diagonal if ((row - startRow) <= (column - startColumn)) { startDiag[0] = startRow; startDiag[1] = column - (row - startRow); } else { startDiag[1] = startColumn; startDiag[0] = row - (column - startColumn); } //Now the end if ((endRow - row) <= (endColumn - column)) { endDiag[0] = endRow; endDiag[1] = column + (endRow - row); } else { endDiag[1] = endColumn; endDiag[0] = row + (endColumn - column); } //And now we sum the row c = startDiag[1]; for (r = startDiag[0]; r <= endDiag[0]; r++) { overlayMatrix[sizeField*r + c]++; c++; } //Add the bottom left to top right diagonal //First the beginning of the diagonal if ((endRow - row) <= (column - startColumn)) { startDiag[0] = endRow; startDiag[1] = column - (endRow - row); } else { startDiag[1] = startColumn; startDiag[0] = row + (column - startColumn); } //Now the end if ((row - startRow) <= (endColumn - column)) { endDiag[0] = startRow; endDiag[1] = column + (row - startRow); } else { endDiag[1] = endColumn; endDiag[0] = row - (endColumn - column); } //And now we sum the row c = startDiag[1]; for (r = startDiag[0]; r >= endDiag[0]; r--) { overlayMatrix[sizeField*r + c]++; c++; } } int recursiveCheck(int* scoreMatrix, int* positionMatrix, int* overlayMatrix, int* scoreList, int fights, long int* score, int position, int iteration) { position++; if (position == cubedSize) return 1; int row; int column; int* positionTemp = new int[cubedSize]; int* overlayTemp = new int[cubedSize]; int* positionInit = new int[cubedSize]; long int tempScore; int tempFights; long int scoreInit = *score; int endWhile = limiter*iteration*1.5; if (endWhile > cubedSize) endWhile = cubedSize; std::memcpy(positionInit, positionMatrix, cubedSize*sizeof(positionInit)); iteration++; while (position < endWhile) { row = scoreList[position] / sizeField; column = scoreList[position] % sizeField; tempFights = fights + overlayMatrix[sizeField*row + column]; if (tempFights <= allowedFights) { std::memcpy(overlayTemp, overlayMatrix, cubedSize*sizeof(overlayTemp)); fillOverlay(overlayTemp, row, column); std::memcpy(positionTemp, positionInit, cubedSize*sizeof(positionTemp)); positionTemp[sizeField*row + column] = 1; tempScore = scoreMatrix[sizeField*row + column] + scoreInit; recursiveCheck(scoreMatrix, positionTemp, overlayTemp, scoreList, tempFights, &tempScore, position, iteration); if (tempScore > *score) { *score = tempScore; std::memcpy(positionMatrix, positionTemp, cubedSize*sizeof(positionTemp)); } } position++; } delete[] positionTemp; delete[] overlayTemp; delete[] positionInit; return 0; } int main() { std::ifstream inputFile; inputFile.open("queens.in"); inputFile >> sizeField; cubedSize = sizeField*sizeField; int* inputMatrix = new int[cubedSize]; inputFile >> attackRange; inputFile >> allowedFights; int sum; int largest; //Fill the input matrix with the initial values for (row = 0; row < sizeField; row++) { for (column = 0; column < sizeField; column++) { inputFile >> inputMatrix[sizeField*row + column]; } } if (sizeField <= 6) { limiter = cubedSize - 1; } else if (sizeField < 12) { limiter = 2; } else { limiter = 1; } /*//TESTING for (row = 0; row < sizeField; row++) { for (column = 0; column < sizeField; column++) { std::cout << inputMatrix[sizeField*row + column] << "|"; } std::cout << std::endl; }*/ //Fill the score matrix we use to add the scores int* scoreMatrix = new int[cubedSize]; for (row = 0; row < sizeField; row++) { for (column = 0; column < sizeField; column++) { std::memset(number, 0, sizeof(number)); sum = 0; //Add the row startColumn = column - attackRange; if (startColumn < 0) startColumn = 0; endColumn = column + attackRange; if (endColumn >= sizeField) endColumn = sizeField - 1; for (c = startColumn; c <= endColumn; c++) { sum = sum + inputMatrix[sizeField*row + c]; number[inputMatrix[sizeField*row + c]]++; } //Add the column startRow = row - attackRange; if (startRow < 0) startRow = 0; endRow = row + attackRange; if (endRow >= sizeField) endRow = sizeField - 1; for (r = startRow; r <= endRow; r++) { sum = sum + inputMatrix[sizeField*r + column]; number[inputMatrix[sizeField*r + column]]++; } //Add the top left to bottom right diagonal //First the beginning of the diagonal if ((row - startRow) <= (column - startColumn)) { startDiag[0] = startRow; startDiag[1] = column - (row - startRow); } else { startDiag[1] = startColumn; startDiag[0] = row - (column - startColumn); } //Now the end if ((endRow - row) <= (endColumn - column)) { endDiag[0] = endRow; endDiag[1] = column + (endRow - row); } else { endDiag[1] = endColumn; endDiag[0] = row + (endColumn - column); } //And now we sum the row c = startDiag[1]; for (r = startDiag[0]; r <= endDiag[0]; r++) { sum = sum + inputMatrix[sizeField*r + c]; number[inputMatrix[sizeField*r + c]]++; c++; } //Add the bottom left to top right diagonal //First the beginning of the diagonal if ((endRow - row) <= (column - startColumn)) { startDiag[0] = endRow; startDiag[1] = column - (endRow - row); } else { startDiag[1] = startColumn; startDiag[0] = row + (column - startColumn); } //Now the end if ((row - startRow) <= (endColumn - column)) { endDiag[0] = startRow; endDiag[1] = column + (row - startRow); } else { endDiag[1] = endColumn; endDiag[0] = row - (endColumn - column); } //And now we sum the row c = startDiag[1]; for (r = startDiag[0]; r >= endDiag[0]; r--) { sum = sum + inputMatrix[sizeField*r + c]; number[inputMatrix[sizeField*r + c]]++; c++; } largest = 0; for (int numIt = 1; numIt <= 9; numIt++) { if (number[numIt] > largest) largest = number[numIt]; } //add to matrix and go to next field scoreMatrix[sizeField*row + column] = sum*largest; } } //Now that we have the score matrix, we no longer need the input matrix delete[] inputMatrix; //We make a pointer array to hold the priority int *scoreList = new int[cubedSize]; for (int point = 0; point < cubedSize; point++) { scoreList[point] = point; } //We use a quick sort to order by priority quickSort(scoreList, 0, (cubedSize - 1), scoreMatrix); /* //TESTING for (int point = 0; point < cubedSize; point++) { std::cout << scoreMatrix[scoreList[point]] << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; for (row = 0; row < sizeField; row++) { for (column = 0; column < sizeField; column++) { std::cout << scoreMatrix[sizeField*row + column] << "|"; } std::cout << std::endl; } */ //TODO sort the sums so we can get the higher results quicker int* positionMatrix = new int[cubedSize]; int* positionTemp = new int[cubedSize]; int* overlayTemp = new int[cubedSize]; //Now we begin the recursive check long int score = 0; long int tempScore; int tempFights; for (int position = 0; position < limiter; position++) { row = scoreList[position] / sizeField; column = scoreList[position] % sizeField; std::memset(overlayTemp, 0, cubedSize*sizeof(overlayTemp)); std::memset(positionTemp, 0, cubedSize*sizeof(positionTemp)); positionTemp[sizeField*row + column] = 1; fillOverlay(overlayTemp, row, column); tempScore = scoreMatrix[sizeField*row + column]; tempFights = 0; recursiveCheck(scoreMatrix, positionTemp, overlayTemp, scoreList, tempFights, &tempScore, position, 2); if (tempScore > score) { score = tempScore; std::memcpy(positionMatrix, positionTemp, cubedSize*sizeof(positionTemp)); } } std::ofstream outputFile; outputFile.open("queens.out"); for (row = 0; row < sizeField; row++) { for (column = 0; column < sizeField; column++) { if (positionMatrix[sizeField*row + column] == 1) { outputFile << row+1 << char(32) << column+1 << '\n'; } } } return 0; }