#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const int MAX_N = 100; const int MAX_M = 100; const int MAX_B = 10000; const int MAX_F = 100; const int MAX_K = 500; const int MAX_MOVES = 20000; const char* STAY = "STAY"; const uint8_t wall = 255, no_wall = 0; using namespace std; class my_exception : exception { const char* _msg; public: my_exception(const char* msg) : _msg(msg) {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return _msg; } }; struct cat { int X, Y, P; cat(int x, int y, int p) : X(x), Y(y), P(p) { } static int is_cat(uint8_t c) { return c >= 1 && c <= 9; } static int cat_power(uint8_t c) { return is_cat(c) ? c : 0; } int abs_dist(const cat& o) { int dx = X - o.X, dy = Y -o.Y; return abs(dx) + abs(dy); } }; struct field { int F, N, M, B; //#define USE_VV #ifdef USE_VV vector> map2; #else vector map1; #endif void read(istream& s) { int n, m, b; s >> n >> m >> b; if (n < 1 || n > MAX_N) throw my_exception("N out of range"); if (m < 1 || m > MAX_M) throw my_exception("M out of range"); if (b < 1 || b > MAX_B) throw my_exception("B out of range"); N = n; M = m; B = b; #ifdef USE_VV map2.resize(n); for_each(map2.begin(), map2.end(), [m](vector& row) { row.resize(m); }); #else map1.resize(n * m); #endif for(int y=0; y < n; y++) { string l; s >> l; if ((int)l.size() != m) throw my_exception("field row incorrect size"); for(int x=0; x < m; x++) { char c = l[x]; uint8_t res; if (c == '.') res = no_wall; else if (c == '#') res = wall; else if (c >= '1' || c <= '9') res = c - '0'; else throw my_exception("invalid field character"); operator()(x, y) = res; } } } void find_cats(list& cats) const { for (int y = 0; y < N; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < M; x++) { uint8_t c = operator()(x, y); if (cat::is_cat(c)) { cats.push_back(cat(x, y, cat::cat_power(c))); } } } } bool has_cat() const { for (int y = 0; y < N; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < M; x++) { uint8_t c = operator()(x, y); if (cat::is_cat(c)) { return true; } } } return false; } inline uint8_t operator()(int x, int y) const { #ifdef USE_VV return map2[y][x]; #else return map1[x + y * M]; #endif } inline uint8_t& operator()(int x, int y) { #ifdef USE_VV return map2[y][x]; #else return map1[x + y * M]; #endif } }; struct dog { int F, X, Y; string path; dog() : F(0), X(0), Y(0) {} void write(ostream& s) const { if (F < 0) throw my_exception("invalid F set for dog"); s << F << endl; if (F > 0) { s << Y + 1 << " " << X + 1 << endl; s << path << endl; } } void set_at_cat(int f, const cat& c) { F = f; X = c.X; Y = c.Y; path = STAY; } }; struct solution { int F, K; vector fields; vector dogs; void read(istream& s) { s >> F >> K; if (F < 1 || F > MAX_F) throw my_exception("F out of range"); fields.resize(F); if (K < 1 || K > MAX_K) throw my_exception("K out of range"); dogs.resize(K); // load fields for (int f = 0; f < F; f++) { fields[f].F = f + 1; fields[f].read(s); #ifdef DUMP dump(fields[f]); #endif // DUMP } } void write(ostream& s) const { for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) { dogs[k].write(s); #ifdef DUMP dump(dogs[k]); #endif // DUMP } } int calc_all_dogs_score(const vector& dgs) const { vector fc = fields; return accumulate(dgs.begin(), dgs.end(), 0, [this, &fc](int s, const dog& d) { return s + calc_dog_score(fc, d, true); }) + accumulate(fc.begin(), fc.end(), 0, [](int s, const field& f) { return s + (f.has_cat() ? 0 : f.B); }); } int calc_dog_score(const dog& d) const { return calc_dog_score(const_cast&>(fields), d, false); } static int calc_dog_score(vector& fc, const dog& d, bool update_field) { if (d.F == 0) return 0; if (d.F < 0 || d.F > (int)fc.size()) throw my_exception("invalid field set for dog"); field& f = fc[d.F - 1]; int x = d.X, y = d.Y; int p = cat::cat_power(f(x, y)), tp = 2 * p; if (!d.path.empty() && d.path != STAY) { tp -= d.path.size(); for(string::const_iterator ci = d.path.begin(); ci != d.path.end(); ci++) { char c = *ci; if (c == 'L') x = x - 1; else if (c == 'R') x = x + 1; else if (c == 'U') y = y - 1; else if (c == 'D') y = y + 1; else throw my_exception("invalid move char for dog"); if (x < 0 || x >= f.M || y < 0 || y >= f.N) throw my_exception("step out of field for dog"); uint8_t cf = f(x, y); if (cf == wall) throw my_exception("step at wall for dog"); int p = cat::cat_power(cf); tp += 2 * p; if (update_field && p > 0) f(x, y) = 0; } } return tp; } struct cats_in_field { int F, B, TCP; list cats; void set(const field& f) { F = f.F; B = f.B; f.find_cats(cats); cats.sort([](const cat& l, const cat& r) { return l.P > r.P; }); TCP = accumulate(cats.begin(), cats.end(), 0, [](int s, const cat& c) { return s + c.P; }); } }; void solve() { auto start = chrono::steady_clock::now(); // cats in all fields int totalCats = 0; vector cats_per_field(F); for (int f = 0; f < F; f++) { cats_per_field[f].set(fields[f]); totalCats += cats_per_field[f].cats.size(); } // sort fields per max cat power sort(cats_per_field.begin(), cats_per_field.end(), [this](const cats_in_field& l, const cats_in_field& r) { return l.B > r.B && K != 1 || l.B + l.TCP > r.B + r.TCP && K == 1 || (l.B == r.B && l.TCP > r.TCP); }); #ifdef DUMP for_each(cats_per_field.begin(), cats_per_field.end(), [this](const cats_in_field& cs) { for_each(cs.cats.begin(), cs.cats.end(), [this](const cat& c) { dump(c); }); }); #endif // DUMP // if we have enough dogs set each at one cat if (totalCats <= K) { int k = 0; for_each(cats_per_field.begin(), cats_per_field.end(), [this, &k](const cats_in_field& cs) { for_each(cs.cats.begin(), cs.cats.end(), [this, &cs, &k](const cat& c) { dogs[k++].set_at_cat(cs.F, c); }); }); while (k < K) { dogs[k++].F = 0; } return; } int max_score = INT32_MIN; if (K == 1) { dog d; d.F = 0; for (vector::iterator ifcs = cats_per_field.begin(); not_expired(start) && ifcs != cats_per_field.end(); ifcs++) { list cso = ifcs->cats; int iF = ifcs->F; const field& f = fields[iF - 1]; int nc = cso.size(); if (nc == 0) continue; int fcp = cso.front().P; for (int i = 0; i < nc && not_expired(start) && cso.front().P == fcp; i++) { list cs = cso; cso.push_back(cso.front()); cso.pop_front(); cat c = cs.front(); cs.pop_front(); d.set_at_cat(iF, c); int my_score = calc_dog_score(d); if (my_score > max_score) { max_score = my_score; dogs[0] = d; } list cs2 = cs; string path; path = find_direct_cats(f, cs2, c, start); if (!path.empty()) { d.path = path; my_score = calc_dog_score(d); if (my_score > max_score) { max_score = my_score; dogs[0] = d; } } path = find_all_reachable_cats(f, cs, c, start); if (!path.empty()) { d.path = path; my_score = calc_dog_score(d); if (my_score > max_score) { max_score = my_score; dogs[0] = d; } } } } } else { if (F == 1) { vector dgs(K); try_find_all_dogs(cats_per_field, dgs, false, start + chrono::milliseconds(4500)); vector dgs2(K); try_find_all_dogs(cats_per_field, dgs2, true, start); dogs = calc_all_dogs_score(dgs) > calc_all_dogs_score(dgs2) ? dgs : dgs2; } else { vector dgs(K); try_find_all_dogs(cats_per_field, dgs, true, start); dogs = dgs; } } } void try_find_all_dogs(const vector& cats_per_field, vector& dgs, bool search_all, chrono::steady_clock::time_point start) const { for_each(dgs.begin(), dgs.end(), [](dog& dg) { dg.F = 0; }); // set dog to directly eat cat auto ifcs = cats_per_field.begin(); int k = 0; while (k < K) { if (!not_expired(start) || ifcs == cats_per_field.end()) { // time is up or no more cats dgs[k++].F = 0; continue; } list cso = ifcs->cats; int iF = ifcs->F; const field& f = fields[iF - 1]; ifcs++; int nc = cso.size(); if (nc == 0) continue; int max_score; dog d; while (k < K && not_expired(start) && !cso.empty()) { max_score = INT32_MIN; d.F = 0; list csr = cso; auto fc = cso.front(); int fcp = fc.P; for (int i = 0; i < nc && not_expired(start) && (cso.front().P == fcp || nc <10); i++) { list cs = cso; cso.push_back(cso.front()); cso.pop_front(); cat c = cs.front(); cs.pop_front(); d.set_at_cat(iF, c); int my_score = calc_dog_score(d); if (my_score > max_score) { max_score = my_score; dgs[k] = d; csr = cs; } list cs2 = cs; string path; path = find_direct_cats(f, cs2, c, start); if (!path.empty()) { d.path = path; int my_score = calc_dog_score(d); if (my_score > max_score) { max_score = my_score; dgs[k] = d; csr = cs2; } } if (search_all) { path = find_all_reachable_cats(f, cs, c, start); if (!path.empty()) { d.path = path; int my_score = calc_dog_score(d); if (my_score > max_score) { max_score = my_score; dgs[k] = d; csr = cs; } } } } k++; cso = csr; } } } static string find_all_reachable_cats(const field& f, list& cs, cat c, chrono::steady_clock::time_point start) { string path; while (not_expired(start) && !cs.empty()) { list::iterator ic = cs.begin(), inc = ic; int nd = c.abs_dist(*inc); while (++ic != cs.end()) { int d = c.abs_dist(*ic); if (d < nd) { inc = ic; nd = d; } } cat c1 = *inc; string chunk = path_to_cat(f, c, c1); if (chunk.empty()) { break; } else { clear_cats_on_path(f, c.X, c.Y, chunk, cs, start); path += chunk; c = c1; } } return path; } static string find_direct_cats(const field& f, list& cs, cat c, chrono::steady_clock::time_point start) { string path; list::iterator ic1 = cs.begin(); while ((int)path.size() < MAX_MOVES && not_expired(start) && ic1 != cs.end()) { const cat& c1 = *ic1; int dx = c1.X - c.X, dy = c1.Y - c.Y; int adx = abs(dx), ady = abs(dy); if (adx + ady < 2 * c1.P) { string chunk; if (direct_path_to_cat(f, c, c1, chunk)) { //clear_cats_on_path(f, c.X, c.Y, chunk, cs, end); c = c1; ic1 = cs.erase(ic1); path += chunk; continue; } } ic1++; } return path; } static void clear_cats_on_path(const field& f, int x, int y, string path, list& cs, chrono::steady_clock::time_point start) { for (auto i = path.begin(); not_expired(start) && i != path.end(); i++) { switch (*i) { case 'L': x--; break; case 'R': x++; break; case 'U': y--; break; case 'D': y++; break; default: throw my_exception("invalid direction"); } if (x < 0 || x >= f.M || y < 0 || y >= f.N) throw my_exception("move outside field"); uint8_t ch = f(x, y); if (ch == wall) throw my_exception("move to wall"); if (cat::is_cat(ch)) { for (auto ic = cs.begin(); not_expired(start) && ic != cs.end(); ic++) { if (ic->X == x && ic->Y == y) { cs.erase(ic); break; } } } } } static inline bool not_expired(chrono::steady_clock::time_point start, chrono::milliseconds delay = chrono::milliseconds(4900)) { return chrono::steady_clock::now() < start + delay; } static inline bool can_move_to(const field& f, int x, int y) { return x >= 0 && x < f.M && y >= 0 && y < f.N && (f(x, y) & 0x80) == 0; } static string path_to_cat(const field& fs, const cat& c, const cat& c1) { field f = fs; string path; int x = c.X, y = c.Y, x1 = c1.X, y1 = c1.Y; bool lastH = false; while (x != x1 || y != y1) { int dx = x1 - x, dy = y1 - y; int sx = dx > 0 ? 1 : dx < 0 ? -1 : 0; int sy = dy > 0 ? 1 : dy < 0 ? -1 : 0; f(x, y) |= 0x80; bool canMoveX = sx != 0 && can_move_to(f, x + sx, y); bool canMoveY = sy != 0 && can_move_to(f, x, y + sy); if (canMoveX && !canMoveY) { path += sx > 0 ? 'R' : 'L'; x += sx; lastH = true; continue; } else if (!canMoveX && canMoveY) { path += sy > 0 ? 'D' : 'U'; y += sy; lastH = false; continue; } else if (canMoveX && canMoveY) { if (lastH) { path += sx > 0 ? 'R' : 'L'; x += sx; continue; } else { path += sy > 0 ? 'D' : 'U'; y += sy; continue; } } else { bool canMoveBackX = sx != 0 && can_move_to(f, x - sx, y); bool canMoveBackY = sy != 0 && can_move_to(f, x, y - sy); if (canMoveBackX && !canMoveBackY) { path += sx > 0 ? 'L' : 'R'; x -= sx; lastH = true; continue; } else if (!canMoveBackX && canMoveBackY) { path += sy > 0 ? 'U' : 'D'; y -= sy; lastH = false; continue; } else if (canMoveBackX && canMoveBackY) { if (lastH) { path += sx > 0 ? 'L' : 'R'; x -= sx; continue; } else { path += sy > 0 ? 'U' : 'D'; y -= sy; continue; } } else { if (sx != 0) { if (can_move_to(f, x, y + 1)) { path += 'D'; y++; lastH = false; continue; } else if (can_move_to(f, x, y - 1)) { path += 'U'; y--; lastH = false; continue; } else if (can_move_to(f, x - sx, y)) { path += sx > 0 ? 'L' : 'R'; x -= sx; lastH = true; continue; } } else { // sy != 0 if (can_move_to(f, x + 1, y)) { path += 'R'; x++; lastH = true; continue; } else if (can_move_to(f, x - 1, y)) { path += 'L'; x--; lastH = true; continue; } else if (can_move_to(f, x, y - sy)) { path += sy > 0 ? 'U' : 'D'; y -= sy; lastH = false; continue; } } } } // if no moves back then return if (path.empty()) return path; // move back one step char lastMove = path.back(); path.pop_back(); switch (lastMove) { case 'L': x += 1; break; case 'R': x -= 1; break; case 'U': y += 1; break; case 'D': y -= 1; break; } } return path; } static bool direct_path_to_cat(const field& f, const cat& c, const cat& c1, string& path) { int dx = c1.X - c.X, dy = c1.Y - c.Y; int adx = abs(dx), ady = abs(dy); int sx = dx > 0 ? 1 : dx < 0 ? -1 : 0; int sy = dy > 0 ? 1 : dy < 0 ? -1 : 0; char lr = dx > 0 ? 'R' : 'L'; char ud = dy > 0 ? 'D' : 'U'; path.reserve(adx + ady + 1); path.clear(); if (sx == 0) { for(int y = c.Y; y != c1.Y; y += sy ) { if (f(c.X, y) == wall) { path.clear(); return false; } path.push_back(ud); } return true; } else if (sy == 0) { for(int x = c.X; x != c1.X; x += sx ) { if (f(x, c.Y) == wall) { path.clear(); return false; } path.push_back(lr); } return true; } else { for (int xe = c1.X; xe != c.X; xe -= sx) { bool move_in_x = true; int x = c.X, y = c.Y, xstop = xe; path.clear(); while (true) { if (move_in_x) { while (x != xstop && f(x + sx, y) != wall) { x += sx; path.push_back(lr); } xstop = c1.X; } else { while (y != c1.Y && f(x, y + sy) != wall) { y += sy; path.push_back(ud); } } if ((x == c1.X || f(x + sx, y) == wall) && (y == c1.Y || f(x, y + sy) == wall)) break; move_in_x = !move_in_x; } if (x == c1.X && y == c1.Y) { return true; } } } return false; } #ifdef DUMP static void dump(const cat& c) { cout << "cat X=" << c.X << ", Y=" << c.Y << ", P=" << c.P << endl; } static void dump(const field& f) { cout << "field F:" << f.F << ", M:" << f.M << ", N:" << f.N << ", B:" << f.B << endl; for(int y = 0; y < f.N; y++) { cout << " "; for (int x = 0; x < f.M; x++) { uint8_t c = f(x, y); cout << (char)(c >= 1 && c <= 9 ? c + '0' : c == no_wall ? '.' : c == wall ? '#' : '?'); } cout << endl; } } void dump(const dog& d) const { cout << "dog F:" << d.F << ", X:" << d.X + 1 << ", Y:" << d.Y + 1<< ", P:" << d.path << ", S:" << calc_dog_score(d) << endl; } #endif // DUMP }; int main() { try { solution s; fstream fin; #if DUMP fin.open("catsdogs2.in", ios_base::in); #else fin.open("catsdogs.in", ios_base::in); #endif s.read(fin); s.solve(); fstream fout; fout.open("catsdogs.out", ios_base::out); s.write(fout); return 0; } catch(exception& ex) { cerr << ex.what() << endl; return 1; } }