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Partners and sponsors of CodeIT 2018

Logos EJOI Innopolis University Brother ABIS Samsonite Colliers International Lufthansa WTC Intepred Erp.bg American Foundation of Bulgaria Webit Festival Europe Rapido Park Hotel Moskva Edoardo Miroglio Ubisoft Ciela Wow AMG Publishing Area 52 Grand Optics Zeiss Vision Center Joy Optics American University in Bulgaria Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Plovdiv Municipality Technical University of Sofia Sofia University Cartridge


The twelve CodeIT finalists

will meet Ivan Katanić, a Croatian competitive programmer, who has won multiple major international competitions. Read more...

All contestants

with non-zero score will receive a CodeIT T-shirt and each round a sweatshirt will pleasantly surprise one random participant with non-zero score:-)

Embrace the Challenge!

awards awards
Rounds calendar
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