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The CodeIT 2021/2022 Team

София, 15.07.2022

Here is to another exciting season of CodeIT during which we learned a lot of new and exciting things. For all these emotions and experiences we owe deep gratitude to the team that made all of this real. In the 22-year history of the tournament more than 40 competitors and Olympians in informatics from Bulgaria have been part of CSLab - the Computer Science Lab team at Musala Soft. This is the department which is responsible for creating the problems and conducting all the rounds in a season.

We'd like to thank Atanas Dimitrov (Sofia High School of Mathematics) and Deyan Hadzhi-Manich (High School of Mathematics in Varna) for making the problems for the first three rounds. For the problems for the other rounds, as well as organizing the final, we owe deep gratitude to Boris Mihov (Sofia High School of Mathematics), Daniel Koynov (High School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Shumen) and Alexander Gatev (Sofia High School of Mathematics). Also, we'd like to thank Stefan Zhelyazkov, who managed the technical team this season and made sure the competition went smoothly.

The organization of the whole tournament, the outreach to patrons and sponsors, and arranging the final ceremony were all made possible by Yoana Ivanova and Stefka Ognyanova. We'd like to thank Ivan Peykov and his ART team who produced the season's look-and-feel, as well as all marketing materials and photo-and-video capture of the emotions at the final.

The technical support for the final was provided by our IT specialists from the "Technical Resources" department - Georgi Yankov and Dimitar Yankov. We thank them for their efforts.

We would also like to thank our CodeIT guru, Hristo Venev, who took part in the final and ranked 1st in the unofficial standings, and after the competition presented to the contestants on the topic of data structures optimized for hard and solid-state drives.

We thank all colleagues and teams who helped our work in different phases of this season. The individual help of each one who contributed was of enourmous value to the successful outcome of the tournament.

And you, the contestants - we would love to see you again in CodeIT 2022/2023, where new challenges are awaiting you! See you there!
