Финалът на CodeIT сезон 2023/2024 се проведе присъствено в София на 2-3 юни. Повече информация тук.

Крайно класиране след последния кръг
1.Boris Mihov100
2.Христо Христов85
3.Blagojce Pavleski70


Festive round with winner Encho Mishinev

София, 16.01.2017

CodeIT third round - Marathon started on December 16th. Stamen Kochkov, Chairman of the Board of Bascom welcomed the participants of CodeIT. The amazing final results of Encho Mishinev guaranteed him the first place with 100 points after long rivalry with Martin Kopchev. He remained at the second place in the overall charts but came out on the top among the juniors followed by Marin Yordanov and Ivan Todorov. Participants are looking forward to the next round - Sprint, which will be hold on February 19th.
