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Today starts the new season of CodeIT

София, 16.10.2015

Today, 16 October (Friday), at 8pm. Starts the new season of CodeIT. The round is traditionally Marathon.Partners of the round are Institute if mathematics and informatics at BAS and Foundation America for Bulgaria. The round is organized by the software company Musala Soft.


The design for this season is robotic.The first round is Marathon which ends on 6 November.The round includes one task and a lot of time for creating the best solution. Each competitor who has non-zero result will receive special T-shirt with the vision of season 5. There will be 6 rounds at total until the final in May. There will be 3 Marathon and 3 Sprint rounds and anyone is welcome to participate. You can find more details in the “Rules” section on our website.



What’s new that season:

Non-zero result = T-shirt with the new season design;

In each round a random participant will be chosen. He will receive special sweatshirt with the competition logo;

Interesting guest for the final. Famous IT guru will read a lection to the finalists;

Interesting prizes for the best competitors in  each round.;

There is new option that allows each user to compare the rating of group of users;

When someone has compilation error there will be more info about the error on the “submissions” page.


More info you can find on codeit.bg or Facebook/CodeIT.BG
