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Round time

Start: 05.6.2017 / 08:30 h.
End: 05.6.2017 / 13:45 h.

Mrs. Elena Marinova
President of Musala Soft
and the participants in the
final round of the international
programming competition CodeIT

Dear Mrs. Marinova
Dear finalists
It is my great pleasure to welcome the participants in the final round of the most prestigious private international programming contest held in Bulgaria. Comparing with the most prestige tournaments in programming, worldwide, CodeIT unconditionally supports the interest of the IT community, effectively operating with the challenges and decisions-making. I believe that the number of the students interested in algorithms and competitive programming, increases with each edition of CodeIT. I am sure that all the finalists have reached the final stage of brilliant achievements with preliminary steps, gained by other international olympiads. Bulgarian society has already reached a consensus of necessity in investment in the young Bulgarian talents and establishment of more favorable conditions for development of youth entrepreneurship in ICT. Good cooperation of the educational and business units provides opportunity and confidence for implementation of the young people’s abilities in the IT sector. I want to express gratitude to the organizers and sponsors of this competition, as well as to the mentors of the participants for their support and demand for innovative solutions, nontraditional approaches and longstanding efforts for teaching the competitors with a high level of professionalism, preparing them to compete on international olympiads.
I wish success to all of you!
05 юни 2017г.


Quatation: Congratulatory address to the finalists
Rumen Radev
President of Republic of Bulgaria

Awards : Final

The prizes for the finalists are provided by:

Musala Soft
Grand Optics   AFB
Asbis   ERP.BG
Microsoft   Samsonite
Ciela   Ubisoft
Eduardo Miroglio   Webit
Colliers   Brother
Funtopia   Bait
Dextophobia   Lufthansa

Hosts of the final round are:

WTC Interpred   Microsoft
Sofia Tech Park  

Patron of the final round - President of the Republic of Bulgaria
