No ranking yet

Second round Sprint

Round time

Start: 07.12.2019 / 14:00 h.
End: 07.12.2019 / 17:00 h.

I wish to congratulate all of the participants in the tournament and wish them success, boldness and achievement of amazing results. To the young specialists that will dedicate their professional careers to technologies – lots of creative drive and I hope that they will become world-renown specialists that will bring glory to Bulgaria around the world and solidify their knowledge mainly in Bulgaria.

Prof. Eng. PhD Ivan Kralov,
Rector of the Technical University of Sofia.
Dear students, here awaits for you a contest full of challenges. Be inspired and accept them as a test of your will and stubbornness, as a display of your thirst for new knowledge

Ivaylo Ushagelov,
principle of National Gymnasium of Natural Sciences and Mathematics “Academician Lyubomir Chakalov”
On behalf of the Faculty of computer systems and technologies I congratulate the participants in the traditional and important contest. I wish to take the opportunity and express our mutual pride that Bulgaria is a country with traditions and international popularity in the education and realization of software specialists. The Faculty that I represent celebrates its 50 anniversary of beginning the computer systems and software education – the first in the country. And you, the participants, with your enthusiasm and knowledge, are the guarantee for the prosperity of our sector in the coming years. Good luck!

Prof. Eng. PhD Ognyan Nakov,
Dean of the Faculty of computer systems and technology at the Technical University of Sofia and advisor of the minister of education and science.

Patron of the round - Prof. Eng. PhD Ivan Kralov, Ivaylo Ushagelov, Prof. Eng. PhD Ognyan Nakov

