Temporary ranking after round 2

Second round Sprint

Round time

Start: 12.12.2021 / 14:05 h.
End: 12.12.2021 / 17:05 h.

Congratulations to all participants in the tournament, I wish you all success, courage in your creativity and to see your dreams realized.

Dear young colleagues dedicated to new technologies - do not stop your creative aspiration and give it for the good of society and the welfare of all people. Never stop learning, but also share your knowledge and experience with those around you, and as absolute professionals resound the engineering sciences, yourselves and the country!

Be bold on your way forward!

Prof. Dr. Eng. Ivan Kralov,
Rector of the Technical University - Sofia.
Technical University of Sofia and Faculty of Computer Systems and Technologies have been partners of CodeIT almost since the very creation of the competition in 2000. For us it is an honor and delight to support the young, ambitious and driven people set out on the difficult but respected and sought-after path leading to the development of IT professionals.

Our desire is to stimulate them to be creative, to always pursue higher goals and never stop learning!

Prof. Dr. Ognyan Nakov,
Dean of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Technology at TU - Sofia
Adviser to the Minister of Education and Science on ICT
I wish tenacity and perseverance to the participants. Knowledge gives us wings, and competing positions us in а constructive, challenging environment which helps us reach personal and professional heights.

Ivaylo Ushagelov,
Director of the National High School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics "Acad. Lubomir Chakalov"

Patron of the round - Prof. Eng. Ivan Kralov, DSc, Prof. Eng. PhD Ognyan Nakov, Ivaylo Ushagelov

