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Final ranking

Position Username Points for colgame Total points Points
1 RAVEman 99.193 99.193 100
2 momo95 50.542 50.542 85
3 vharalampiev 11.006 11.006 70
4 anrieff 10.637 10.637 60
5 todor91 9.279 9.279 50
6 espr1t 9.203 9.203 40
7 Enchom 8.705 8.705 35
8 alexveliki 4.808 4.808 30
9 HekpoMaH 4.475 4.475 25
10 CapAwesome 3.803 3.803 20
11 mitko5bmg 2.680 2.680 18
12 csDiablo 2.656 2.656 16
13 pioneer 2.574 2.574 14
14 Simeon 0.745 0.745 12
15 pkpanov1 0.626 0.626 10
The competitors marked with * take place in the junior standings.