Temporary ranking after round 2


23 years CodeIT

Sofia, 12.06.2023


Encho Mishinev is the winner of the 23rd season of the international programming competition CodeIT organized by Musala Soft. The award ceremony took place in WTC - Interpred and brought together IT talents, officials, educational and business partners and many friends and like-minded people of the competition. The President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev, under whose patronage the competition is being held, congratulated the contestants in a special address.

"Today, you are the personification of the potential of our region and Southeastern Europe for development, for cooperation and joint activity in many directions. Your knowledge and skills are the power that will inevitably contribute to the prosperity of the Balkans. I wish you success and courage, many wonderful ideas and significant successes." - said the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev, under whose patronage the competition is being held, in his written address to the guests.

"At Musala Soft, we have been working with multinational clients on projects in the hottest technological fields for 23 years and we are quite literally creating the future - we are proud of every Musalenian and his contribution to the IT world. However, this has never been enough for us – we feel it is our duty to give back to society as a whole. We are running a series of initiatives to improve the business environment, but our big focus is education and elite education - the most talented who will move tomorrow's world. CODEIT is part of this portfolio, and it is an honor to hold the oldest private programming competition in the world for 23 years.", shared Elena Marinova, President and Chair of the Board at Musala Soft.

Final Ranking CodeIT 2022/2023:

1.    Encho Mishinev -  Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from Cambridge University
2.    Anton Anastasov – Master’s Degree in  Computer Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3.    Emil Indjev - Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from Oxford University
4.    Aleksandar Gubica - student in Highschool “Velko Petrovich” -  Sombor, Serbia
5.    Viktor Lucic – studies Computer Science at the Faculty of Sciences, at the University of Novi Sad
6.    Nemanja Majski – student in Highschool “Veljko Petrović” -  Sombor, Serbia
7.    Vedran Bajic -  student in Highschool “Veljko Petrović” -  Sombor, Serbia
8.    Duško Obradović – teacher in Highschool “Veljko Petrović” -  Sombor, Serbia
9.    Deniz Poturliev - student in Highschool of Mathematics "Geo Milev", Pleven
10.    Mihail Mihalev - student in Highschool of Natural Sciences and Mathematics  “Academician Ivan Gyuselev” - Gabrovo, Bulgaria;
11.    Jasen Penchev - student in Highschool of Natural Sciences and Mathematics “Academician Ivan Gyuselev” - Gabrovo, Bulgaria
12.    Dobromir Angelov - student in Highschool of Mathematics “Dr. Petar Beron” - Varna, Bulgaria

Final Junior Ranking CodeIT:

1. Serkan Rasid - student in Highschool of Natural Sciences and Mathematics “Nancho Popovich” - Shumen, Bulgaria, A&B School
2. Simona Hristova - student in Highschool of Natural Sciences and Mathematics “Nancho Popovich” - Shumen, Bulgaria, A&B School
3. Ivo Ivanov - student in Highschool of Natural Sciences and Mathematics “Nancho Popovich” - Shumen, Bulgaria, A&B School
4. Veljko Galović - student in primary school "Avram Mrazović"- Sombor, Serbia
5. Yavor Vasilev - student in Highschool of Natural Sciences and Mathematics “Nancho Popovich”-Shumen, Bulgaria, A&B School

The ceremony was attended by academic and educational partner sponsors, the Ambassador of Serbia H.E. Željko Jović, greeting from H.E. Maciej Szymanski was read by Iwona Jakuszko-Dudka, Counselor at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Bulgaria. Since 2012 Musala Soft invites top gurus in competitive programming to give an inspiring lecture to the finalists. This year they met Kamil Debowski - “Errichto“ from Poland. He is the author of 300+ problems (Codeforces, Topcoder, Codechef, etc.) and reached the highest possible titles: Codeforces "Legendary Grandmaster" and Topcoder "Target".

Honorary chairman of the jury since the creation of the contest is prof. Krassimir Manev – President of the International Olympiad in Informatics / IOI/ 2014-2017 and Chairman of the Initiative Committee of the First European Youth Olympiad in Informatics (eJOI), Bulgaria 2017 and its first president.

Special thanks to our patrons and sponsors who provided the awards and supported us in organizing CodeIT, season 2022-2023.

Sponsors and partners: American Foundation for Bulgaria, Samsonite, Razer, ERP Academy, Ubisoft Sofia, Freckles, JOY Optics, Grand Optics, ZEISS VISION CENTER, WTC Interpred, Brother, I can Here and Now, B2B media, DevstyleR, Ciela Publishing, Janet 45, Edoardo Miroglio.

Patrons: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and its Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Technical University - Sofia and its Faculty of Computer systems and technologies, Ruse University, University "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov" - Burgas, Sofia High School of Mathematics “Paisiy Hilendarski”,  National High School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics "Acad. Lubomir Chakalov", Baba Tonka Mathematics School - Ruse, Profiled High School of Natural Science and Mathematics "Acad. Nikola Obreshkov" - Burgas, Professional Gymnasium of Computer Programming and Innovation - Burgas,  Technological School "Electronic Systems" - Sofia, Mathematics high school "Acad. Kiril Popov" - Plovdiv, Highschool of Mathematics “Dr. Petar Beron” - Varna, "A&B" IT School - Shumen, "Shikovi" School - Yambol, "Olympians" School - Sofia.
