Temporary ranking after round 2


The third round of CodeIT concluded with winners from Serbia and Bulgaria

София, 05.02.2024

After the completion of the third round of CodeIT the software company Musala Soft joyfully presents its latest achievements in its international competitive programming contest. Talented programmers from various countries participated, confirming the high standard of the competition. IT talents continue their battle for prestigious awards and the chance to qualify for the final in Sofia.

Here is the ranking from the third round:

Top 3 Winners:
1. Filip Repman, Sombor, Serbia
2. Dushko Obradovich, Sombor, Serbia
3. Kiril Minkov, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Top 3 Junior Winners:
1. Nikola Manolov, Haskovo, Bulgaria
2. Nikolay Hristov, Sofia, Bulgaria
3. Denislav Manev, Gabrovo, Bulgaria
Winners from the draw:
Dobromir Angelov, Varna, Bulgaria
Deya Veleva, Shumen Bulgaria
Aleksandar Georgiev, Varna, Bulgaria
Simona Ivanova, Shumen, Bulgaria
Jovana Trkulja, Sombor, Serbia

Congratulations to the winners from the raffle who received fantastic prizes provided by our dear sponsors: Ubisoft Sofia, Canyon, as well as the organizers.

We look forward to the next round, which will be a Sprint and will take place on February 24, 2024 (Saturday). The patrons for this round will be:
• Acad. Hristo Beloev, DSc - Rector of University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev"
• Galina Bobeva, PhD - Director of Mathematics High School "Baba Tonka", Ruse
• Eleonora Pavlova - Director of Mathematics High School "Petar Beron", Varna
