Embrace the Challenge
CodeIT is divided into two competition phases – an online qualification phase and an on-site final phase. The qualification phase
consists of six rounds - three
"SPRINT" and three
"MARATHON" rounds, which alternate for the period of one school
year. There is a separate ranking for each round, which depends only on the points received by the competitors on the tasks given in that particular
round. Every contestant with a non-zero result in each round will be awarded
rank points - the first receives 100 points,
the second and third get each 15 points less than the one before, the next three - 10 points less, the next four - five points less, the next five -
two points less and the five after that - one point less. In other words, the first 20 places receive: 100 points, 85, 70, 60, 50, 40, 35, 30, 25,
20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5.
All other competitors with non-zero result will receive 1 point.
There are two paralel rankings. The
General ranking includes all participants who have taken part in at least one round during the
current season. The
Junior ranking includes all participants who are 8th grade or below. Each round produces separate ranking points
for the Junior ranking based on the scores in the round. The Sprint rounds include special problems which award points only to the juniors.
In the MARATHON rounds there is a single task. The participants can submit their solutions throughout the round, which lasts for at least two
weeks. They can also select the submission which will be saved for final testing (note that only one submission will be saved per contestant and
by default this is the last submitted solution).
Detailed information on the scoring for a particular task will be provided in the corresponding problem statement.
This type of round consists of 8 problems, 3 of which are specifically designed for the Junior participants and are not included in the General ranking,
while the other 5 are for the General ranking. The round lasts for a few hours (usually 3-5) during which the participants can submit their solutions.
In contrast to the MARATHONs, here your last submission to a particular problem is considered final for testing.
Important: if you accidentally overwrite a correct solution for a task with a solution for another, you can notify us in the "Questions" tab or via, so that we restore your previous solution as official.
Each contestant will get points for a given task only when their solution passes all of the tests for the task. The score for each
solution is inversely proportional to the time of submission measured from the start of the round. The minimum score for a solution is
50% of the maximum number of points. The maximum number of points for each task will be specified in the problem statement.
The organizers will consider objectively all appeals within three days of the end of
each round. The organizers reserve their rights
to make decisions about revising points after the contest.
Participation in the final round
The final round of CodeIT will be in person.
- The following 12 contestants will compete in the "Final Ranking":
- The additional "Junior Ranking" will include the TOP 5 contestants in the standings for juniors.
They will have the opportunity to solve the same problem.
There will be awards for all contestants in the "Final Ranking" and "Junior Ranking".
Language specifications
The allowed programming languages are C, C++ and Python. The participants must upload only their source-code files with either
.c, .cpp or .py extensions.
All solutions are tested on the same computer.
- C (standard C17): gcc -O2 -std=c17 -Wall -DONLINE_JUDGE -o _sol <source_file>
- C++ (standard C++17): g++ -O2 -std=c++17 -Wall -DONLINE_JUDGE -o _sol <source_file>
- Python (version 3.12): python <source_file>
Evaluation of submissions
- Testing:
- The jury prepares a set of final tests and sets the time limit and memory limit on each task.
- If the contestant's program causes an error during execution (Runtime Error) or exceeds the time or memory limits, it will
receive 0 points for the corresponding test.
- If the program terminates within the time limit and if the problem statement does not specify any other grading formula,
the participant will be awarded either all points assigned for the test (for correct answer) or 0 points (if the result
generated by the program is wrong - this includes a wrong formatted output file).
- Feedback:
- During each round (unless specified otherwise) the submitted solutions will be graded on the system with a set of sample test
cases (which may be publicly visible) in the same conditions as the final testing. The users will get detailed information
about the execution of their submitted solution. There may be a preliminary ranking based on the results received by each
participant on the sample tests. The final ranking is determined by the results of the contestants' official solutions on
the final tests. The testing will be done once the round has finished. The set of final test cases will be officially published.
- Penalties:
- The program should display only the specified output in the specified output file. Furthermore, the format of the output data
must match the output described in the problem statement. It must not display anything on the screen, printer or any other
output device.
- The program should read data only from the input files described in the task statement or from the temporary files that it has
created. It should not expect that the data stored in the input file will be provided on the standard input.
- The program should not include a user interface. It should not create windows, buttons, status bars, etc. Furthermore, the program
must not require user interaction - for example, pressing Enter.
- Use of a random-number generator and other sources of randomness is allowed in solving the tasks. However, this use needs to be
applied carefully - the speed of the random number generator producing values might be different on your machine versus the grader.
Make sure you read the documentation.
- Plagiarism is prohibited. Using external code is only possible if it is publicly available, the source is stated explicitly
and all license terms are met.
- Use of artificial intelligence (AI) is prohibited.
- Failure to comply with any of the above conditions will result in reduction of the contestant's score at the jury's discretion.
- Appeals:
- After the results of each task are published, the participants can appeal within three days by using the contest system.
- If necessary, the jury has the right to extend the period of appeals.
Only persons not directly involved in the organization of the competition have the right to participate. You will be able to submit solutions and
ask questions related to the tasks in the ongoing round by using the online contest system, after you
By entering the contest every participant agrees to these rules.